Let?s enjoy a portion of Luke 4. A couple of lines caught my attention. I?ve included my own prayer, and what I sensed God saying to me through this text.
Morning Prayer. Luke 4:14, 18
?Jesus returned to Galilee [after His temptation in the wilderness] in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through the whole countryside.? (v. 14)
?The Spirit of the Lord is on me?because He has anointed me?? (v. 18)
I feel a longing to live as God-focused and God-rooted a life as Jesus did. He fully resisted every temptation to meet His needs, do His work, or find protection or security in any way other than through loving dependence on the Father. He lived a fully human, completely Spirit-filled and Spirit-led life.
I?m hungry to live a more God-empowered and Spirit-anointed life and ministry. To be enabled to powerfully proclaim the season [year] of God?s great favor.
I sense the Lord saying, ?I have come to you, anointed by the Spirit, to speak words of good news to you in your poverty, to give you sight (and insight) where you have been blind, to release you from all that oppresses you, and declare to you that this is a day of my Father?s favor for you. Listen to Me today. Be with me today.?