What do others say about?Journey retreats? Read this inspiring testimony from Curt Owaga:
“Eye-opening. This describes each encounter with Jesus. And this best summarizes my time as a Journey participant. My experience with TLI came as surprise gift because…?I never actually signed up. I had encouraged my wife, Grace, to enroll to develop her gift of spiritual direction. After all, I had already earned my MDiv so it was Grace’s turn to be blessed. ? ??
“Then came the surprise: Grace informed me that spouses were also invited! Because I had missed the first two retreats, I felt awkward as the latecomer but the welcome I received from this loving community fueled my desire to know and be known. The material was highly engaging. The exercises were fresh and freeing. The pace and rhythm of each retreat allowed my soul to truly connect with God and others. The curriculum seemed to naturally include tracking with the personal journeys of my new friends, both in the classroom and at mealtimes. How it warmed my heart each time someone lovingly followed up on something I had shared from an earlier retreat. I left every retreat longing to reconnect with everyone at the next one. This was truly community!
"I received only a taste of the Journey but it was enough for me to convince the leadership at Orchard Valley Christian Church in the high-paced Silicon Valley to also pursue this journey of knowing Jesus for the sake of others. We're seeking to live the?"Unhurried Life"?with the hope we may truly rest and bear much fruit in Jesus."
Curt Ogawa, Generation 11, 2004