I Lying here Cold, dark, still, Powerless. Only acted upon. Still but not at rest Motion flowing over and around Forces greater than I At work? One moment gently brushing past my face Like quiet breeze Refreshment and life, then, Disorientation, tumbling, Drifting to unknown. Impacting without grace or respite. Edges breaking, Cracks splitting, Will […]
God Breaks In
The holiday season… Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years – full of time to slow down, be with family, rest, and reflect on the year. Oh, and write papers, finish finals, balance multiple jobs, shop for presents, fight holiday traffic, try to survive the mobs of people, (most likely) get sick, clean the house, prepare for visitors […]
Gentle Gaze of an Artist
I sit in silence. Externally still, at peace – a poor reflection of my internal world. My head spins, overthinking, riddled with anxiety, full of unanswered questions. Processing this complex life and all the facets of my current circumstances. I find in myself a desire to understand, to wrap my mind around these questions I’m […]
It Is Worth Weeping
Seven years ago I walked through one of the most difficult seasons of my life. It is unnecessary to elaborate on the details, but the season was marked by a profound loss of relationships (in multiple facets of my life), as well as the security I had found in relationships prior to that time. During […]