When I travel to a location I’ve never been, I usually use Google maps. No doubt most of you reading this blog would use your larger, more modern phones. However, my iPhone is ancient in cell-phone years, which leads to a few disadvantages. The screen is so small that if I pull up a map […]
Dying To See Jesus
The last week or so, I have been intrigued by the passage in John 12:20-36. This passage begins when some Greeks, who had come to Jerusalem to worship at the Passover feast, make a request through Phillip, who shared it with Andrew, and together they took it to Jesus. Their request seems relatively simple: “Sir, […]
The Transfiguration – Seeing Reality
The Sunday immediately preceding Ash Wednesday is Transfiguration Sunday on the church calendar. Now that I attend a church that follows the church calendar, once a year I hear a sermon on the transfiguration, though the text of the sermon may be the account in Matthew, the account in Luke, or the account in Mark. […]
The Costly Pursuit of Power
The church is at present in the midst of the season of Epiphany, which begins on January 6 and extends until the day before Lent. Epiphany means manifestation or appearance. Thus, it is a time to consider the implications of the appearance of Christ, the Son of God, in our world. The first event usually […]
Hitting the Glass Wall
This morning I was sitting in the faculty lounge making final preparations for the class I was about to teach. Suddenly I heard a thump at the window and looked up to see a bird trying to get through the window and into the lounge. Thankfully, it didn?t hit the window so hard that it […]
Dwelling in the Depths
Every once in a while I come across a portion of God?s Word that touches a chord deep within my soul. I?m not always sure what it is about the Scripture that resonates within me, but I know that God is gently nudging my spirit, wanting to share a morsel of his truth with me. […]
Reflecting the Light
A few months ago, my car battery died while in line waiting to get gas at Costco – very inconvenient, to say the least. When it became obvious I wasn?t going to move, the cars behind me began going around me. No one asked if there was a problem or if they could help. They […]