I have often jokingly said, ?busyness is my drug of choice.? The reality is, this is no joke. I have come to understand, busyness is one of the strategies I use to help me deny or ignore what I don?t want to deal with. And it works! The adrenaline rush of busyness can feel great […]
Jesus on the Shore
They didn?t know what to do next. Have you been there? Have you felt stuck, overwhelmed at life?s turn of events? The disciples weren?t sure how to process what Jesus? resurrected life meant to them, personally. So they defaulted to life as usual. They went fishing. (see scripture text at bottom of this blog post) […]
Pondering Personal Relationship with God
God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us. ?For in Him we live and move and have our being.? Acts 17:27 & 28 NIV I have been pondering for the last few months how incredible […]