Today as we head towards our Thanksgiving Holiday, let’s increase our daily thankfulness by increasing our listening. As the heavens declare the God and all His creation is saying, “I love you,” let us be listening? I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. […]
Inspiring Travel – Appreciating Home
During a recent trip to historic and beautiful England, I found myself strolling along the busy narrow streets of Oxford. They were lined with castle-like colleges, Tutor-style houses and majestic churches. The streets were bustling with double decker busses, rushing bicycles, black cabs and long gowned graduates. I suddenly realized that for the past two […]
Bowing to the One
What is your favorite?Miller-ism? Anyone who had the privilege of sitting under the teaching of Chuck Miller (core staff member of TLI who passed away earlier this year) will undoubtedly still have at least one favorite phrase, one gem of wisdom from Chuck, that stands out from among the many and still resonates in his […]
A Turning At Twilight
A TURNING AT TWILIGHT Sun setting at his back, hills leading home toward Jerusalem. Rolling wave by wave before his gaze the battle weary King leans upon his shepherd’s staff. Oh home, oh Jerusalem, Oh Lord God Almighty! I long to rest in Your arms, Your power, Your peace, Your presence. But, out there on […]
UNEXPECTED Deadbolt snap, front door swoosh, screen door scringe and I step out to cross the porch and down the stairs, to waiting car and off to work. But on this cold, dark mid-October morn, as orange light slips between the railing slats and dissolves unnoticed to black below, I’m stopped in my routine by […]