Some friends recently invited me to go canoeing with them for the day. I tried to rearrange my work schedule to accommodate their impromptu plans, but eventually realized that I would have to decline their invitation. As I picked up the phone to express my regret, tears began to well in my eyes, and my […]
Jesus Is Enough
I stood in the cold, drizzling rain during the darkest part of the night and watched the weary travelers struggle to make decisions. As their facilitator, I watched and waited with questions running through my head. What did God want to accomplish through this late night hike in the rain? Was there something more I […]
In Process
Why don’t you try again? This is the question my pottery teacher asked as my shoulders slumped in a posture of defeat. I looked down at the lump of clay I had been working on for close to 30 minutes. Its shape now indiscernible due to some mistake I had made, but could not identify. […]
Invitation to Intimacy
I was burned out And did not want to admit it. Weariness had become my constant companion, tugging at the edges of the energy I could muster for the next ministry event or relational interaction to come.? It felt easier to blame the exhaustion on a hectic work schedule, or difficult interpersonal dynamics, or anything […]