Let?s face it, we?ve all made mistakes. And it?s with this in mind that I write the first of a series of posts?on the importance of vulnerability for us leaders. We’ll?define ?leader? as anyone with a sphere of influence. In last week?s news in the United States, it was reported that leaders Jared Fogle, popular […]
Learning from Fear; Secure in Hiddenness
?Fear is an index of our possessiveness?the more self-possessed we feel, the more fearful we become. But if I no longer possess myself, but have given myself wholeheartedly to God, then I am both fearless and free.? (James Houston. The Transforming Power of Prayer. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1996, p. 158.) Fear is an indicator […]
Scripture: Praying Matthew 6:25-34
Here is a paraphrase of Matthew 6:25-23. I have turned it into a prayer to make it more personal. This is a potent?spiritual practice that gets scripture more deeply into your heart. Thank You, Jesus, that there is no good reason to worry about my life. You faithfully provided my family and me everything we […]
The Ways of Jesus
As part of a gathering a while back, I planned a 30-minute window of solitude and silence to reflect on Jesus? way of life and leadership. One of the passages I was drawn to was the beatitudes in Matthew 5. What was Jesus? message? What was Jesus? way? Matthew 5:3-6 ?Blessed are the poor in […]
A Grace-Based Choice
Grace continues to be a significant theme in my spiritual journey. But so much of me still resists the generosity of God. There is still so much of the childish ?I-can-do-it-myself? bent in me. Romans 11:5-6, ?So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if by grace, then […]
Scripture: Praying 1 Corinthians 3:10-23
Here is 1 Corinthians 3:10-23 paraphrased as a prayer. Make this prayer your own or try paraphrasing this passage for yourself. ?By the grace You have given me, Father, I have ministered in the lives of others?laying the foundation of Jesus Christ and building on that foundation. Please grow my skill in building like You […]
Knowing God from the Heart
I?ve come across a potent quotation about the hidden price tag of our remarkable technological progress. It comes from a book on the spiritual reading of Scripture (the discipline of lectio divina) by Thelma Hall. Don?t feel bad if you have to read it more than once. I?ve read it over and over because it […]