In the world of wilderness rescue medicine, one phrase stands out as the starting point for any care you might need to provide. “Don’t just do something…stand there”. There are reasons this phrase is so important. First, the world of rescue already exists on the edge where people are in isolated places away from the […]
God’s Reality
I believe God has made big promises for my life, and for those in my circles of influence. And I’ve had crazy experiences to back them up. For instance, a year after moving to California, I woke up in the middle of the night hearing a voice calling my name. It was no dream […]
Step Back: Lessons in Art. And Life.
Three years ago, I took up oil painting. I had zero experience but as I became aware of a long-buried desire to paint, I decided to get past my insecurities and go for it. I have found this new thing in my life to be fulfilling, challenging, exhausting, inspiring, extremely frustrating and surprisingly healing. […]
“Consider this: A farmer went out to sow seeds. As he cast his seeds some of it fell along the beaten path and soon the birds came and ate it. Other seeds fell onto gravel with no topsoil and the seeds quickly sprouted since the soil had no depth. But when the days grew hot, […]
The Empty Pot
Today, I’d like to tell you a story. A children’s story. Anyone who knows me, knows that God rarely speaks to me through deep theological conversations or powerful worship experiences. Nope, He has chosen more often than not to bring His word of truth to me in the form of a story meant for children. […]
A Personal Encouragement
On Christmas Eve morning, I received a lesson on vulnerability. Roscoe, our special needs son, is tethered full time to a feeding tube. He can’t feed himself. He relies on this plastic lifeline no more than a few millimeters wide to bring nourishment to his body. Of course, he also relies on my wife and […]
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
A Christmas Mini-Retreat An empty, echoing room lined with lights and tinsel. Open, unfilled space, not yet prepared. An invitation left unsent. Shadows and darkness ping off of the walls. And the knock on the door goes unnoticed. These words offer a picture of a soul longing for the fullness of Jesus even among the […]