Like her parents, my oldest daughter is more on the introvertive side.? Sure, we can host crowds of people, or invite friends over, but we find our energy reprovisioned in a still and quiet house, being able to rest, read, pray and relax. So it was appropriate after a busy season of hosting that […]
What do you want me to do, Lord?
What do you want me to do, Lord? The other night I was with a few friends talking about prayer. We were discussing what prayer is and what a vibrant prayer life looks like; we even swerved into discussing the place of prayer within the tension of our free will and God?s sovereign will ? […]
Journeying Together – Admiring a Single Lily
We learn to stop chasing experiences when we realize all of life is an experience. One of the most difficult challenges I have faced in my spiritual journey has been transitioning out of chasing addictive, adrenaline-producing or accomplishment-seeking experiences to finding joy in the everyday, seemingly mundane realities of life. Addictive, adrenaline-based or work-based-success experiences […]
Leading by Adding Value
Next?month, I?ll reach the?seven years of employment mark with The Leadership Institute.? If there?s a tenet of our ministry that I?ve appreciated the most over the years, it?s the idea that all of us, whether we like it or not, are leaders. ?That’s because all of us, whether we like it or not, have some […]
Sinless Someday?
Reading N. T. Wright?s?Evil and the Justice of God, I was encouraged by these words: ?This is where the?personal?meaning of the cross becomes very clear. There will be a time when I?even I, sinner that I am!?will be totally sinless, when God has completed the work of grace within me. But I already enjoy, in […]
Grace in Weakness
?And so His people are still taught to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. When He strengthens them, it is not by taking away the sense of feebleness, and giving in its place the feeling of strength. By no means. But in a very wonderful way leaving and even […]
Avoiding Responsibility by Pointing Fingers
From?N. T. Wright?s book, After You Believe: ??we who have lived for many generations with the phenomenon of ?denominations? may well sigh and throw up our hands. Our denominations, with all their ambiguities and puzzles, are often rooted in the very kind of ethnic distinctions or personality-based divisions which Paul went out of his way […]