I Lying here Cold, dark, still, Powerless. Only acted upon. Still but not at rest Motion flowing over and around Forces greater than I At work? One moment gently brushing past my face Like quiet breeze Refreshment and life, then, Disorientation, tumbling, Drifting to unknown. Impacting without grace or respite. Edges breaking, Cracks splitting, Will […]
The Gift of Presence
“Do you believe that God is with you, right now while the lightning crashes overhead and the creek rises below?” The two college students I addressed had been leading all through the long hard day, and they glanced around them, their eyes wildly looking for some sense of safety and security. We had evacuated an […]
Going Lower Still
“Let go of your rights and follow Me lower still into greater servitude.” “For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. …I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.” (1 Corinthians 9:19, 22) […]
Be Still — Be Quiet — Listen
Editors note: Today’s blog post is by David Zailer, a graduate of Journey 24. He is the Founder of Operation Integrity, championing faith-based addiction recovery internationally and mentors Christian clergy and leaders in personal journey and church recovery ministry. He has written numerous books about the process of recovery. “Anyone who drinks the water I […]
A Personal Encouragement
On Christmas Eve morning, I received a lesson on vulnerability. Roscoe, our special needs son, is tethered full time to a feeding tube. He can’t feed himself. He relies on this plastic lifeline no more than a few millimeters wide to bring nourishment to his body. Of course, he also relies on my wife and […]
God Breaks In
The holiday season… Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years – full of time to slow down, be with family, rest, and reflect on the year. Oh, and write papers, finish finals, balance multiple jobs, shop for presents, fight holiday traffic, try to survive the mobs of people, (most likely) get sick, clean the house, prepare for visitors […]
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
A Christmas Mini-Retreat An empty, echoing room lined with lights and tinsel. Open, unfilled space, not yet prepared. An invitation left unsent. Shadows and darkness ping off of the walls. And the knock on the door goes unnoticed. These words offer a picture of a soul longing for the fullness of Jesus even among the […]