Earlier this month, my family was out of town to visit with some friends near Colorado?s Tenmile Range. The change from the norm always amazes me. And to see that change in the eyes of our four year old is even more fun.
Our stay at a mountain cabin was one of the highlights of our trip, where we stayed two miles high in the Rocky Mountains. One night over a campfire and roasted marshmallows, looking out toward pine trees and the Blue River Valley?s Peak 8, I sat side by side with my little girl, who began to expound to me the virtues of God. ?Even though God is invisible,? she said, ?He is still with us right there. And even if you and mom weren?t here, He would still be here.? This was music to my ears.
I ran with her musings and confirmed that she was right. That God is with us everywhere. That we can pray to Him at any moment. And that His creation all around us speaks to the fact that He is with us every step of the way.
There was silence for a while and then my daughter wanted to talk about something else. But in that moment, there was a special nugget of truth. It was a reminder that the Kingdom of God truly belongs to the children. Jesus? disciples were reminded of this truth as well as people brought babies to Jesus ?so that He would touch them,? Luke reminds us (18:15). But the disciples began to rebuke those people when they saw it (verse 15), as if the incarnate God only had time for adults.
Two thousand years later, we haven?t progressed that far at all. In my adult and ?grown-up? viewpoint, I am quick to forget the importance of remembering the simplicity of faith.
Jesus called for the children to come to Him. He told His disciples not to hinder their coming, for His kingdom belongs to such as these (verse 16).
And the lesson that really hits home for me and us adults is Jesus? invitation that I leave you with now. To truly enter the Kingdom of God, we must receive it like a child. Trusting. Wide-eyed. Willing to accept it at face value. It is this faith that Jesus Himself calls you and I to. I?m grateful for the reminder and invitation to that faith again.
May each of us who follow Christ remember Jesus? words and heed them as we serve Him with a childlike faith. And for those of us who have yet to follow Him remember that Jesus does not call us to have things figured out completely. Instead, all who follow Him are called to learn as we go, trusting Him in each moment.