The Journey has become a place of deepening spiritual life and broadening of leadership influence for hundreds of leaders over the last twenty years. Recently, we have had more and more leaders coming to Southern California from other nations for our training.
Two weeks ago, we held our first Global Expansion Dessert and heard a number of stories from international leaders who have completed the Journey and are beginning to introduce it in other nations. Let me share one of them via video.
One story involves Wendy and her husband who have served for nearly twenty years as missionaries in closed access countries in Asia. Along the way, they came to a place of burn-out and needed to return home. A counselor urged them to begin practicing spiritual disciplines of solitude, silence and prayer, which became a recovery place for them. They had struggled to find leaders in the States who shared their journey.
The Journey became a leadership community for Wendy of a shared experience of leadership rooted in deeper spiritual formation. I hope you?ll enjoy hearing Wendy?s story.