Today as we head towards our Thanksgiving Holiday, let’s increase our daily thankfulness by increasing our listening. As the heavens declare the God and all His creation is saying, "I love you," let us be listening?
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought,
and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
G.K. Chesterton
"Every common bush is ablaze with the presence of God but only those who see take off their shoes."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (paraphrased)
A shrub - a flame,
He calls your name.
A tree - drips red,
for you He bled.
A moon alone,
"I'll bring you home."
A friend betrays,
"Share suffering days."
Hear in the breeze,
if on our knees.
See in the brook,
for those who look.
Listening like breathing,
if only it were so.
A life giving norm,
if we came to know,
the audience we keep,
even in sleep.
Closer than air,
the Word's everywhere.
Every place - holy ground,
only looked-for ever found.
The curtain will part
for the humble heart.
Seduced and distracted,
we cling to our shoes.
Barefoot and dancing -
when listening we choose.
(From Kirk's book, Listening Like Breathing - images, poetry and scriptures. This and Kirk's first book, The Grace of Rain, a unique poetry/devotional book, are both available on )
Are you listening for God in all the ways He is speaking? Is perhaps our attentiveness the key to hearing Him? May your hearing lead to thriving in Thanksgiving, always all year long!