Many of the Christian leaders we meet regularly tell us that so much of their spiritual identity has been found in what they do for the Lord, rather than in who they are.? While we indeed do things for God, these things aren?t the core of who we are.? A pastor is not a preacher for the Lord per se.? He is a child of the King of Kings.
If we find our identity in these places that aren?t really who we are, we can find ourselves in a quandary, falsely believing that our works are somehow more important than they are.? Service is important, but it is not why Jesus died on the Cross.
With this in mind, some Christian spiritual writers have put together the Prayer of Recollection as a guide that helps name and embrace our unshakable identity in Christ, which enables us to internalize that identity and therefore have decisions that are shaped and formed by this identity.? As we live with the reminder of our identity in Him, we interact with others and respond to the situations that come our way in a new way as well, free to be who we are in Christ.
We?re glad to provide you with a version of the Prayer of Recollection that we have adapted from other spiritual writers.? This free resource is available for you this week by clicking on the button below.
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