Our 2 year School of Spiritual Direction is unique and personally transformative. By teaching the lifestyle rhythms of Jesus alongside spiritual direction, our trainees become deeply rooted in an abiding lifestyle while learning the art of spiritual direction. We train spiritual directors cognitively and experientially through lessons, small groups, labs, and spiritual practices to listen to the Holy Spirit, the actual Director in spiritual direction. Our hope and prayer is that trainees leave the program equipped to be sacred companions, accompanying others in their spiritual journeys by living from the overflow of their abiding time with the Trinity.
We will begin a new generation of our School of Spiritual Direction annually if there are enough participants. Please contact us directly if you'd like to hear an estimated launch date.
Intentional small program with high ratio of faculty to participants
Three in-person retreats over two years (travel is an additional cost)
Monthly Zoom training sessions
Monthly Zoom or in person debriefs in small groups (3-4 people)
EPC's (Extended Personal Communion) several times per year
Monthly spiritual practices taught and applied
Praxis-based and community-based learning
Assigned readings with collaborative discussions during small groups
Personal formal spiritual direction while in program (additional cost)
Spiritual direction practice through labs and year 2 experience
Supervision during spiritual direction practice
Final research paper tied to personal calling
Took kit equipped with practical helps for future direction endeavors
Eligibility for acceptance to ESDA (Evangelical Spiritual Direction Association)
$650 non-refundable signup and $210 per month for 24 months
Note: Your application is free. You will only be invoiced if/when you are accepted.
Craig Babb, a member of our Spiritual Direction Faculty, has written a very helpful article below describing ways in which spiritual direction can benefit your job or ministry, no matter what your title or role. Spiritual Direction has many applications!
The Many Applications of Formal Spiritual Direction
Desiring to lend support to another on the journey of faith flows from a heart that is itself being transformed. To come alongside a friend with the intent to encourage and support means a person has a view of understanding the Sacred is enmeshed in everyday ordinariness. Generally, there are three kinds of people who may desire to participate in certification training in order to best tend to another in this way.
Pastors are those who, by virtue of their vocational calling, have a responsibility to care for the souls of others. Pastors, who choose to follow their calling, know there is more to the task than casting vision, preparing sermons, and running organizational structures. These pastors, who know there is a need to add spiritual direction to their toolbox of pastoral care, will find the certification training to be one of the more valuable experiences in their continued education.
Another type of person may be those in academic or other institutions that have responsibilities that include interpersonal relationships. Professors, teachers, chaplains, or even CEOs and managers may fit in this category. These individuals along with those who desire to singularly specialize in this field of spiritual direction as a response to a call from God will find certification training of immense benefit.
Then there are those individuals who find that expressing love and support by listening to another is what they do naturally. These individuals may have no title or special position in a church or Christian organization but others seem to consider them as a helpful and wise friend. The necessity of attending to another as a soul friend is a work that can be enhanced through training in the art of spiritual direction.
Pray, discern, and apply here if we are a good fit for your spiritual direction training needs.
Our School of Spiritual Direction training meets ESDA's training requirements. You can review those requirements on the ESDA website.