Recently, I was struck by this excerpt from Joan Chittister?s comments on the section of the Rule of Benedict that speaks about discipline within the community. ?The ancients tell the story of the distressed person who came to the Holy One for help. ?Do you really want a cure?? the Holy One asked. ?If I […]
Friendship in the Kingdom of God
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. … I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.” […]
How Then Shall We Live?
The rabbinic tradition had embedded in it an experience that came to be known as Midrash. Simply put, it was the opportunity for the contemporary culture to fill in the blanks that older cultures left unanswered. The Law was still present and good, it was the expression of the Father?s heart for his creation, but […]
Spiritual Leadership is God and People-Focused
One of the writers that I?ve continued to learn from over the years as a person in ministry is Eugene Peterson. Listen to this insight from his book with Marva Dawn, The Unnecessary Pastor: ?The ?herbicides and pesticides? that promised to revolutionize the work of spiritual leadership are rationalism and functionalism–the scholars in their attempt […]
Keeping Vigil
Several years ago, a friend of mine became very ill. Her family was unable to come and be with her, so her boss made a commitment to remain by her side during her last days, which were spent in the hospital. Her boss faithfully watched over her, making sure she had everything she needed and […]