Recently I purchased a new iPhone. I read the part in the instructions about charging the phone, and then stopped reading. I went to the Apple store and asked for their help to set it up and then I followed their instructions. The phone received email and stored my music but it didn?t work as […]
Grace in Weakness
?And so His people are still taught to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. When He strengthens them, it is not by taking away the sense of feebleness, and giving in its place the feeling of strength. By no means. But in a very wonderful way leaving and even […]
Grace is Not Magic
?Grace is not a strange, magic substance which is subtly filtered into our souls to act as a kind of spiritual penicillin. Grace is unity, oneness within ourselves, oneness with God. Grace is the peace of friendship with God?and if it does not necessarily bring us a ?felt? peace, it nevertheless gives us every reason […]
A Grace Based Choice
Grace continues to be a significant theme in my spiritual journey. But so much of me still resists the generosity of God. There is still so much of the childish ?I-can-do-it-myself? bent in me. Romans 11:5-6, ?So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if by grace, then it […]
Living in More Grace
Often, my journaling takes me to places of reflecting on what it means to ?live grace? along the way. Part of me has oddly expected that my need for grace would somehow diminish over time, that I would ?get things together? more and more until my daily need for grace was a distant memory from […]