One of the practices that I find especially soul-nourishing is reading the daily lectionary in the mornings. The lectionary provides four readings: 1) a psalm, 2) an Old Testament reading, 3) a general reading from the New Testament and 4) a gospel passage. The daily lectionary provides a cycle of readings that last three years […]
Journaling: Scripture Journaling
Last month, I mentioned a spiritual practice that I often find life-giving: scripture journaling. (You can read that post for more insight). Here are some insights that came as I read, reflected on and journaled in response to Psalm 24. 1?The earth is the?Lord?s,?and everything in it, ????the world, and all who live in it; […]
Spiritual Practice: Scripture Journaling
One of the spiritual practices that I find enriching is to simply journal insights that come as I reflect on a particular text. Here is a journal entry from some recent reflection on the story of Bartimaeus the blind man (Mark 10:46-52). I later used this passage to open a spiritual retreat for a ministry […]
Wait on the Lord
Often, I enjoy reading, reflecting on and journaling insights I gain from scripture. The other day, I spent some time in Isaiah 40:26-31 (click to read) and appreciated these gifts as I wait on the Lord: 25-26 ? I too often lose sight of your majesty and immensity, Father. Your personal care of the countless […]