Many prophets and would-be prophets said that 2020 would be a year of vision… Hmm; not too hard to pair “2020” with “vision.” When Covid hit about March, the year of vision suddenly seemed murky and unstable. It seemed we had anything but vision! Who knew how the virus transmits? Who knew if masks help? […]
Leaving Normal
I howled at the moon last night. Seriously. My wife, my daughter and I stood on our patio, cupped our hands to our mouths, and howled like wild wolves at the moon. Soon, we heard the repeating reply from our neighbors also getting in touch with their inner wolves. It was a silly idea someone […]
Coronavirus & Control Issues
It goes without saying that these are unprecedented times we are living in. Like me, you may have seen the following… Cruise ships pictured floating offshore in quarantine Store shelves depleted and empty The photos from Italy of overwhelmed doctors due to the rapid spreading of the Coronavirus Rush hour is eerily sparse due to […]