There are days, even seasons, when God feels more absent than present. If you?ve been a follower of Jesus for any length of time you?ve experienced this. I appreciate this extended counsel from Eugene Peterson about this common spiritual experience: ?The experienced absence or silence of God for the over four hundred years preceding the […]
Being Creative in the Present
A while back, I was reading from Anne Morrow Lindbergh?s letters and journals in Against Wind and Tide. I was struck by a comment she made about writing. I think it?s a comment that applies to all of life. ??the writer must stay centered in the moment. Both fear and hope are in the future […]
Behold the Beauty of the Lord
This morning I arrived at the church to lead one of our opportunities to experience ?Morning Prayer/Lectio Divina.? I was drawn to a phrase that originates in the Psalms. Psalm 27:4 says ?One thing I have asked of the Lord and this is what I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the […]