Are you accomplishing something significant??Do you see yourself as significant? Feeling significant is a major quest for some people. In fact, it is a deep-rooted identity issue. Our society contributes to this issue by attempting to make everyone feel significant?thus our kids play games at school where there are no winners or losers. On one […]
You Give Them Something
I?ve been thinking a lot about the scene in Mark?s Gospel where Jesus feeds the five thousand. It is commonplace to hear people say, ?The Lord never changes,? but the more I read the Gospels the more inclined I am to say, ?Disciples never change.? In Mark 6:30-44, the disciples have just returned from being […]
What Are You Wearing?
The last few days have been cold and wintery here in Dallas. Well, cold according to Texans (usually meaning anything in the 50?s or below).? The last two days haven’t made it above freezing and ice on the roads meant schools were closed. Everyone prepared for this “winter event” by buying firewood, pulling out gloves […]
A Non-Measurable Resolution
There is something about the beginning of a new year. It is fresh and crisp like the cold winter morning air. Ahead lies the promise of spring, where the beauty of new life reminds us that there is the possibility for rebirth, for things once dormant to thrive once more. And so, the new year […]
Because He Cares for You
During my morning devotion, I reflected on something that George MacDonald said in Creation in Christ. ?But I do not know how to awake and arise!? I will tell you. ?Get up, and do something the Master tells you; so make yourself his disciple at once. ?Instead of asking yourself whether you believe or not, […]
Knowing Jesus
One morning I spent some time meditating on the following words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount? ?On that day many will say to me, ?Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?? Then I will […]
How Do I Love the Wounded?
My wife and I are not what you would term animal people, by any stretch of the imagination. For years our kids asked for a dog and we quickly dismissed their constant pleading. However, one year ago my family adopted a six-month-old yellow lab-mix. We named her Nala because she reminded us of the lioness, […]