In the book of Joshua, God?s people have a very unfortunate experience of poor spiritual leadership in what the New Living Translation calls ?The Gibeonite Deception? (sounds like the title of an action/thriller to me). Specifically, as Israel was entering into the land God had promised to them through Abraham, they were not to […]
What Do I Really Want?
?It is doubtful if any work of excellence is ever produced without some discouragement and without days when the producer goes on doggedly, not because he likes it, but because he knows that this is the only way in which any work of importance is ever completed.? (Elton Trueblood. The New Man for Our Time. […]
Are You Significant?
Are you accomplishing something significant??Do you see yourself as significant? Feeling significant is a major quest for some people. In fact, it is a deep-rooted identity issue. Our society contributes to this issue by attempting to make everyone feel significant?thus our kids play games at school where there are no winners or losers. On one […]
Practical Thoughts on Personal Retreats
Recently, I read a book by one of my favorite historic spiritual directors: Reginald Somerset Ward, Lord and Giver of Life. It?s a collection of retreat talks on the Holy Spirit. I paraphrased some of his practical counsel about fully engaging a personal retreat: The body on retreat Sleep well. Try for eight hours per […]
Living Life at the Pace of Love
When Paul the apostle goes about listing characteristics of love in 1 Corinthians 13, the first word he uses is ?patient.? Love is patient. Love is slow. I remembered again Kosuke Koyama?s book, Three Mile an Hour God. I once posted on my personal blog, quoting him, ?Is Jesus Too Slow?? He was a Japanese […]
Passionately Pursuing God
Confession: Freedom in Truthtelling