We live in a world where people often seem to be bored with life?seeking something new and exciting to stimulate them. As followers of Jesus, we have access to a reality that is rich, wise, and beyond our searching or fathoming. Just listen to Paul: Romans 11:33-36 NRSV, ?O?the depth of the riches and wisdom […]
The Power of Small Beginnings
One?morning, as I enjoyed some unhurried time with God in the early hours, I came across this from Elton Trueblood on how the kingdom of God grows as from a seed: ?The wonderful thing about seed is that it wants to get out. Near where this is being written is a toadstool that, in the […]
A Lifelong Learner: Remain Open to Change
My life long field of study has been adult spiritual formation and development. I love researching about it, talking about it, teaching on it, and even attempting to live it out. I?ve done it at camps, churches, chapels, Bible Schools (both national and international), retreats, pulpits, class rooms, living rooms, training centers, for not-for-profit and […]
Praying Our Felt Forsakenness as Leaders
As leaders, we often put our best foot forward and our brightest smile on when we in our leadership role. But many leaders may find they have very different feelings ?behind the scenes.? This is a look behind the scenes in my life as I prayed feelings of forsakenness surfaced when I read Psalm 38. […]
Spiritual Direction: Unassertiveness Training
Eugene Peterson, in his book Under the Unpredictable Plant, offers this insight into the practiced ministry of spiritual direction (and this way of life): ?Direction carries an obvious connotation of taking charge and showing the way. But spiritual direction is more likely to be quiet and gentle, unassertive and reticent. One of the characteristics of […]
Spiritual Leadership: Sharing Truth
I recently read a familiar text in the book of Romans that speaks to the process whereby individuals are given an opportunity to respond to God?s initiative through the means of human communication. ?But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one […]
Do You Have Enough Time?
?I don?t have time for this!? I gritted my teeth and barked at my then 5-year-old son. I was in a hurry to get somewhere and my son had forgotten his shoes in the house. He ran to get them and I fumed. As I drove away, the sentence I had barked haunted me, ?I […]