A while back, I read these lines in the book of Numbers: ?The staff belonging to the man I choose will sprout, and I will rid myself of this constant grumbling against you by the Israelites?. The next day Moses entered the tent and saw that Aaron?s staff, which represented the tribe of Levi, had […]
Holy Stillness or Unholy Stuckness?
?I fear nothing as much as conventionalism and inertia, which for me is fatal. Yet there is that all-important stillness, and listening to God, which seems to be inertia, and yet is the highest action. One must always be awake to tell the difference between action and inaction, when appearances are so often deceiving?? (Thomas […]
What Are You Wearing?
The last few days have been cold and wintery here in Dallas. Well, cold according to Texans (usually meaning anything in the 50?s or below).? The last two days haven’t made it above freezing and ice on the roads meant schools were closed. Everyone prepared for this “winter event” by buying firewood, pulling out gloves […]
Knowing What I Don’t Know
??the wrong kind of ignorance is the conviction that we can know exactly what is going on. Those who have too many programs and answers are absolutely blind and their ignorance leads them to destruction. Those who know what they do not know are able at least to see something of what is in front […]
Am I Handing Out Un-Lived Information?
?The vessel God wants for his work is not prepared by hearing a lot of things, but by seeing and receiving and being satisfied. Its understanding is based on the life of Christ within, not on information about him. We must beware of just passing on to others what we hear. No matter how precious […]
The Scent of Prayer
I remember as a child my hands used to get so chapped and dry they bled. As Mom rubbed them with lotion I’d cry. But then they would always get better. As I drive toward the coast, California looks that way. Her landscape, so cracked and brittle from lack of water looks ready to cry […]
Morning Rhythms
One of the practices that I find especially soul-nourishing is reading the daily lectionary in the mornings. The lectionary provides four readings: 1) a psalm, 2) an Old Testament reading, 3) a general reading from the New Testament and 4) a gospel passage. The daily lectionary provides a cycle of readings that last three years […]