As we find ourselves in the wake of the Fourth of July, our minds may go to the gift of freedom we enjoy in our nation. But sometimes we misunderstand the spiritual nature of this gift. There are ways that we spend our freedom so that we have less of it than we did before. […]
The Truth Will Make You Free
?The best prayer is seldom a hit-and-miss matter, but grows by the glad acceptance of discipline, which, far from being its antithesis, is the price of real freedom. Herein lies the deep wisdom of the Yoke passage (Matt. 11: 29, 30). Just as an empty freedom inevitably turns into bondage, so the acceptance of Christ?s […]
How to Live from the Inside Out Enjoy this 3-minute video. And then share it with a friend or colleague.
Hiding in Busyness
?Busyness has a way of shielding us from a self-scrutiny that can reveal unpleasant truths about our reasons for doing what we do. By immersing ourselves in the frantic race to get things done, we conveniently bypass considerations of why and focus exclusively on what. And once we cross over into the realm of whats, […]
Unconditional Love
What sort of emotions do you experience when you think about the future? Excitement? Fear? Joy? Anxiety? The New Testament doesn?t tell us everything we want to know about the future, but it certainly tells us the one thing we need to know more than anything else. For I am convinced that neither death nor […]
Quiet: Capturing Quiet Spaces for God
I?ve shared a quotation in this blog before from a book by Ann Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea. Below are a few others on the themes of solitude, silence, simplicity and open space for God. ?For it is only framed in space that beauty blooms. Only in space are events and objects and people […]
How Then Shall We Live?
The rabbinic tradition had embedded in it an experience that came to be known as Midrash. Simply put, it was the opportunity for the contemporary culture to fill in the blanks that older cultures left unanswered. The Law was still present and good, it was the expression of the Father?s heart for his creation, but […]