Our Worship Let’s worship today with these two short verses at the forefront of our praise. Our tears, one day, will reap a harvest, our cries, one day, will give way to bountiful provision. Psalm 126:5-6 Common English Bible (CEB) 5 Let those who plant with tears reap the harvest with joyful shouts. 6 Let those who […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Third Thursday of Advent)
Our Worship Notice how our passage for worship today has three short injunctions: Rejoice. Pray. Give Thanks. Let’s carry our worship with us wherever God leads us throughout our day. How often can you find something to rejoice about? Where are you led to pray, continually, today? What does the Holy Spirit bring to mind that […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Third Wednesday of Advent)
Our Worship As we worship today, notice how Mary’s soul overflows with poetic adoration of God. This passage of scripture is often referred to as “Mary’s song.” It’s as if everyday language cannot capture the full depth of love she feels for God, so she turns to lyrical prose. Consider worshipping God today in a more […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Third Tuesday of Advent)
Our Worship Let’s focus our worship today on allowing this passage to be a springboard to “pray continually” throughout our day. Let’s return to gratitude, no matter our circumstances, as we follow Jesus today. Pray for God to keep you “completely dedicated” to Him and that He would give you the strength to do so. 1 Thessalonians […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Third Monday of Advent)
Our Worship Let us begin with worship for our Lord again today. Our Lord will change circumstances for the better, He will use our tears to water a future harvest. Let’s praise Him today in advance of the victory. Psalm 126:4-6 Common English Version (CEB) 4 Lord, change our circumstances for the better, like dry streams […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Third Sunday of Advent)
Our Worship We now enter our third Advent week for 2017. Let’s pause to worship this God who is bringing the fullness of His Kingdom with Him when He comes. On that day, it will feel like this world we lived in had been merely a dream. Let’s praise Him today. Psalm 126:1 Common English Bible (CEB) […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Second Saturday of Advent)
Our Worship As we close out our second Advent week, let’s position ourselves like the other voice mentioned in Isaiah 40:6b. This voice in the second part of this verse says, “What should I call out?” As we worship today, keep in mind this similar voice inside of you asking God, “What do you want […]