The question at the title of this blog entry is a powerful one. Typically, my take on the question would be ?God would really like me if?? That sentence ends in any number of ways?if I was more faithful, more active, more upright, more something. That?s why I appreciated re-reading this little goodie from a […]
A Grace Based Choice
Grace continues to be a significant theme in my spiritual journey. But so much of me still resists the generosity of God. There is still so much of the childish ?I-can-do-it-myself? bent in me. Romans 11:5-6, ?So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if by grace, then it […]
In the Lord
A passage I?ve often returned to for leadership insight is Philippians 2:19-30. Here are a few recent reflections: I?ve often reflected on Philippians 2:19-30 for spiritual leadership insight. Recently, I was drawn to a phrase Paul uses often in his writings: ?in the Lord.? Here are a few scribbles from my recent reflections: Vs. 19, […]
Intimacy with God Spills to Others
Moses is one of my favorite characters in the Old Testament.? He steps into his leadership role at a rather advanced age and does so with great reluctance.? Yet, despite his reticence, he enters into his responsibilities to both Israel and the Lord with his whole heart. Along the way, his leadership is marked […]
Hearing God
A few years ago a friend raised a question about hearing God?s voice: ?Does God really speak to anyone who seeks to hear His voice? Are there some who long to hear but don?t? Does God promise that anyone who listens for Him will hear Him?? I have found John 10 to be a passage […]
Where Did My Heart Go?
Ever had a dream that has come to a place where it seems all but impossible? Ever started some spiritual pursuit with energy and enthusiasm, only to find yourself fading over time? These are a couple of practical examples of what biblical writers are talking about they speak of ?losing heart.? When I have found […]
Behold the Beauty of the Lord
This morning I arrived at the church to lead one of our opportunities to experience ?Morning Prayer/Lectio Divina.? I was drawn to a phrase that originates in the Psalms. Psalm 27:4 says ?One thing I have asked of the Lord and this is what I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the […]