A while back I?drawn to read?S. D. Gordon?s Quiet Talks on Power (New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1903). The first chapter is titled ?Choked Channels.? At one point, Gordon is commenting on Jesus words in John 7:37-38, ?On the last and greatest day of the Festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud […]
Growing Generosity
What might it look like to grow generosity in my life or to encourage that growth in those I influence or lead? It looks like a prayer Saint Ignatius of Loyola prayed: ?Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve You as You deserve, to give and not count the cost.? […]
Come and See. Come and Know.
Here is a remarkable quotation from Carlo Carretto (1910-1988). He went into the Sahara desert in 1954 to live among and serve the poor and so draw closer to Christ. He was a member of the ?Little Brothers of Jesus?, a group who sought to live out of the lifestyle of Charles de Foucault. Brennan […]
Overflow Prevents Burn-Out
Jesus said, ??my yoke is easy and my burden is light.? Do you ever wonder why the yoke of life or ministry feels so hard or the burden feels so heavy? Is Jesus promising an easy life here? Does He promise that our work will always be a breeze? Many years ago, I took some […]
A Holy Rhythm of Solitude and Ministry
I lead a lot of retreats that include an extended time alone and quiet with God in the schedule. For many, it?s quite a challenge. For others, it?s a welcome opportunity. Sometimes, I think more would come to our retreats if they were scheduled nice and tight with lots of information to learn or techniques […]
Overflow Leadership, Part 3
In my last two blog posts, I talked about Vertical Leadership, the traditional model that creates leaders and followers, and Horizontal Leadership, a collaborative style of leadership that seeks to foster communication and collaboration. Now, let?s talk about Overflow Leadership and how we define it at the Leadership Institute. Our mission captures well the heartbeat […]
The “Hallowed Be” of Life and Leadership
Hallowed be Thy name in Industry: God be in my hands and in my making. Holy, Holy, Holy; Lord God of Hosts; Heaven and earth are full of Thy Glory. The above is one from a set of prayer panels preserved from the 14th century cathedral ruins of St. Michael in Coventry, England. Each prayer […]