I often start my time in the Soul Room with the question my spiritual director asks me when we meet: “So, how do you come today?” Or, as author Ruth Haley Barton says, “What is the condition of your soul right now?” When I was first asked this simple question, I didn’t know how to […]
This Season of Mystery and Renewal
This is Lent, the time of year we enter into a season of mystery. Of wonder and love. The mystery of our God Who became a Man. A Man who willingly suffered and died for us. I grew up attending a church that taught about the “church calendar” and the Lenten journey was part of […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Fourth Monday of Advent – Christmas Eve)
Our Worship For Christmas Eve this Advent, let us worship this coming King through the scripture passages that tell of this miraculous Christmas story. Isaiah 7:14 (NIV) Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Malachi 3:1-4 (KJV) Behold, […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
Our Worship For our final Sunday of Advent, let us worship the Lord’s loyal love for us. Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26 Common English Bible (CEB) A maskil[a] of Ethan the Ezrahite. 89 I will sing of the Lord’s loyal love forever. I will proclaim your faithfulness with my own mouth from one generation to the next. 2 That’s […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Third Saturday of Advent)
Our Worship John’s testimony was plain, simple, and direct. He wasn’t the Light, but he lived his life as a pointer to the Light. Praise God today for His light. Pray that your life would emanate light. John 1:6-8 Common English Bible (CEB) 6 A man named John was sent from God. 7 He came as a witness to […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Third Friday of Advent)
Our Worship Let’s worship today with these two short verses at the forefront of our praise. Our tears, one day, will reap a harvest, our cries, one day, will give way to bountiful provision. Psalm 126:5-6 Common English Bible (CEB) 5 Let those who plant with tears reap the harvest with joyful shouts. 6 Let those who […]
Advent Reflections – Longing for Irresistibility (Third Thursday of Advent)
Our Worship Notice how our passage for worship today has three short injunctions: Rejoice. Pray. Give Thanks. Let’s carry our worship with us wherever God leads us throughout our day. How often can you find something to rejoice about? Where are you led to pray, continually, today? What does the Holy Spirit bring to mind that […]