A tomb in Nazareth.
Holy Saturday. The day between the crucifixion and the resurrection. It is the ultimate time of waiting without answers, hoping without evidence.
Many of us have situations in our lives that are stretching us to the edge of patience. We don't see the way out. It is the darkness of the in-between.
Find a few minutes today to spend time in silence. Use some of the phrases below* to wait in the presence of God.
- Sitting in love.
- Waiting without answers.
- Hoping without evidence.
- Love sustaining itself by longing.
- The "grief work" of holding patiently, without resolution or consolation.
- Prayer as watching and waiting more than doing.
- Prayer as unknowing and not knowing.
- Prayer of quiet.
- An exercise in not forcing resurrection but letting it come when it will.
* Ideas from Immortal Diamond by Richard Rohr
Since my wife of 51 years died of Cancer in December this has been an in between time -terrible feelings of loss, the great uncrosssble chasm of death and the fresh pondering of the only hope we have. This post today is a very helpful beginning to my reflection day. Going to church now for “Space To Listen”
Thanks Alan
Fulton – my heart is heavy at the news of your wife’s death from cancer. Gem and I talked together this morning about how hard it would be to lose the other. Our prayers are with you. He is risen.
Thanks very much for the prayers.
I have become an evangelist with a two point message.
1) You can not tell your spouse too many times how much you love them. Do it!
2) You can not tell your spouse too much about all the good and great things you notice they do and how wonderful they simply are. Do it!
You will both be richly rewarded and have few regrets when the day comes when there is an uncrossble chasm between you!:)