Here is a wonderful quotation?from Frank Laubach, who was the last century?s Brother Lawrence in modeling a lifestyle of practicing the presence of God.
?Last year, as you know, I decided to try to keep God in mind all the time. That was rather easy for a lonesome man in a strange land. It has always been easier for the shepherds, and the monks, and anchorites than for people surrounded by crowds.
But today it is an altogether different thing. I am no longer lonesome. The hours of the day from dawn to bedtime are spent in the presence of others. Either this new situation will crowd God out or I must take Him into it all. I must learn a continuous silent conversation of heart to heart with God while looking into other eyes and listening to other voices. If I decide to do this it is far more difficult than the thing I was doing before.
Yet if this experiment is to have any value for busy people it must be worked under exactly these conditions of high pressure and throngs of people.? (Laubach, Frank. Letters by a Modern Mystic. Westwood: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1937, 1958, p. 56.)
Frank Laubach managed to live a lifestyle of a rich practice of God?s presence in the midst of a life of very active mission and ministry.
How do you sense God inviting you to remember Him in your life and work today?