A month ago I wrote a blog post on the power of lament. I described my personal process of lament as I struggled to come to terms with the radical changes our world is going through. I discovered how important it was for me to allow myself to feel and be with, the roller coaster […]
The Power of Lament
How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long must I bear this pain in my soul, and live with sorrow all the day? How long will fear rule my life? Notice my heart and answer me, O my God; enlighten me, lest I […]
Praying Psalm 139
Here is another prayer response to a Psalm. This is a wonderful way to engage scripture formationally. You may want to read Psalm 139 before you enter into this prayer and make it your own. Father, You search my life today and know exactly what is in me. You watch me sit down at my […]
Praying Psalm 63
One of the rich practices that I?ve come to appreciate is the ancient tradition of praying the psalms. Communities of faith have been doing this together for centuries. Sometimes, I will simply journal my personal response to a particular psalm. Psalm 63 has been a recent place of encountering God?s grace for me: ?O God, […]