My heart thumped in my chest as the current in the river picked up speed and the water roiled about me. I knew that I was approaching one of the largest rapids I had ever navigated as the river began to funnel itself into a narrow chute ahead. I had spent the previous day paddling […]
Training Leaders as Player-Coach
I?ve mentioned before how much I?ve benefitted from the writings of Elton Trueblood, a Quaker author and professor of philosophy from the last century. He had much to say on themes of spiritual formation and ministry. I came across this little treasure as I was reviewing some of my excerpts from his book The Incendiary […]
Join Us On The Journey Many leaders are…busy…tired…burned out…discouraged…over planned…under supported. Jesus came so that we may have abundant life. So how do we lead the way? Take a minute and a half to hear from Alan Fadling, our Executive Director, as he shares some upcoming opportunities to be a part of our Journey training. Learn more about The […]