“Do you believe that God is with you, right now while the lightning crashes overhead and the creek rises below?” The two college students I addressed had been leading all through the long hard day, and they glanced around them, their eyes wildly looking for some sense of safety and security. We had evacuated an […]
Who Does God Want to Be for You?
Editor’s Note: This week I’ve asked the TLI bloggers to share what God is saying to them in this unprecedented time. This month’s blog posts will be a series of personal insights meant to encourage and strengthen our relationship with God and with others. If you have not contributed to the blog in the past, […]
Don’t Just Do Something…Stand There
In the world of wilderness rescue medicine, one phrase stands out as the starting point for any care you might need to provide. “Don’t just do something…stand there”. There are reasons this phrase is so important. First, the world of rescue already exists on the edge where people are in isolated places away from the […]
Fearful Leadership
She peeks around the corner to see if I?m up and drinking my coffee with the paper. If I?m lucky, I catch her in the act (but I always act like I didn?t see her). If I?m not lucky, in just a few minutes I?ll be either screaming like a girl or spitting hot coffee […]
Living a Life of Delight
Ps 37:3-4 NRSV, ?Trust in the Lord, and do good; so you will live in the land, and enjoy security. Take delight in the Lord,?and he will give you the desires of your heart.? Trust in the Lord. Do good. It?s not an ?either/or? but both. A trusting heart and hands that do good work […]
Anxiety: The Illusion of Control
In my own morning communion with Jesus, one of the practices I find most meaningful is reading and praying the Psalms, often in the form of pouring out my heart in a journal entry: Ps 37:3-5 NRSV, ?Trust in the Lord, and do good;??so you will live in the land, and enjoy security. ?Take delight […]
Mother Teresa and the Soul’s Dark Night
A while back, I read Come Be My Light, a collection of materials from the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Many have talked about her extended lack of God?s felt presence for most of her years of ministry among the poorest of the poor. Some have thought she was being hypocritical in proclaiming good […]