Isaiah 40:28-29 Have you never heard? ????? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, ????? The Creator of all the earth He never grows weak or weary. ????? No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak ????? And strength to the powerless. A prayer: I […]
Learning to Abide in Weakness
?Holiness does not lie on the other side of temptation; it is to be found in the midst of temptation. It does not sit waiting for us on a level above our weakness; it is given us in weakness, or else we would elude the power of God that is operative only in our weakness. […]
Grace in Weakness
?And so His people are still taught to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. When He strengthens them, it is not by taking away the sense of feebleness, and giving in its place the feeling of strength. By no means. But in a very wonderful way leaving and even […]