My wife and I are not what you would term animal people, by any stretch of the imagination. For years our kids asked for a dog and we quickly dismissed their constant pleading. However, one year ago my family adopted a six-month-old yellow lab-mix. We named her Nala because she reminded us of the lioness, […]
God With Us
For the past few months I’ve been thinking a lot about the interaction between God and Moses at the burning bush. The story is really incredible on a number of levels, but I’ve been lingering on a few words. Then the Lord said, “I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; […]
Keeping Vigil
Several years ago, a friend of mine became very ill. Her family was unable to come and be with her, so her boss made a commitment to remain by her side during her last days, which were spent in the hospital. Her boss faithfully watched over her, making sure she had everything she needed and […]