Do you ever feel like the word dry, or maybe barren, might be an appropriate characterization of various aspects of your life — spiritual, social, emotional, vocational…need I go on? Disappointments and losses that leave gaping holes in our lives, unfulfilled longings and desires that leave us feeling empty, a deep weariness of body and […]
The Glory of New Life
The last week or so has been tough at points: walking with family through places of illness and infirmity; being involved in making decisions that resulted in students who had been planning to graduate next month not being able to do so; discovering that I owe more money on my income taxes than I had […]
Joy Unspeakable
Last Sunday I was skimming through the ads that come with the Sunday newspaper (yes, I am one of those bargain hunters and budget watchers who actually reads through those ads!). The weekly Target ad caught my eye. On the front page, in big letters it said, “Joy makers.” The pictures on the page were […]
The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
A note from the Editor: Originally appearing on
Planted on the Mountain of the Lord
Many of us, myself included, spend a lot of time trying to figure out God’s plan for our lives. What is his purpose for me? What does he want me to do? Where does he want me to go? Basically, why am I here and where am I going? I must confess that from time […]
In the Beginning…
I love to read. One of my favorite moments is when I first pick up a new book. With breathless anticipation I begin to contemplate what lies ahead within its pages. What new and potentially life-changing information might be waiting for me in this book? What new characters will I meet that I might enjoy […]
The Fate of a Self-Important Leader
Recently I have been rereading the story of Samson in Judges 13-16. One thing that has always intrigued and bothered me about Samson is why in the world he would ever tell Delilah the secret of his strength. Each of the first three times when Samson misleads her about the source of his strength, she […]