I was thinking about what James says about confession in his letter: Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (TNIV) There are some rather obvious implications that seem to be rarely practiced in our […]
Taking Life?or Receiving It
Enjoy this excerpt from Brother David Steindl-Rast: ?Most of us need a good deal of encouragement for giving. The way we are built (or, rather, forced into a warped shape by our society) the taking takes care of itself. It might be a good test if you checked for half an hour how often you […]
Stamina in the Desert Places
How does God go about increasing our spiritual stamina, extending our persevering faithfulness and enriching our grace-orientation in relation to Himself and others? He does so by pressing us past what we thought were our limits, by making faithfulness more challenging than it used to be, and by opening our eyes to the shortcomings of […]
When the Well Runs Dry
I?ve taken the title of this blogpost from a book by the same name written by Thomas H. Green. It is well worth the read. On this theme, Laura Swan describes an experience that many of us who have been Christians very long can recognize: ?Often the early years of our spiritual journey are filled […]
Praying Psalm 139
Here is another prayer response to a Psalm. This is a wonderful way to engage scripture formationally. You may want to read Psalm 139 before you enter into this prayer and make it your own. Father, You search my life today and know exactly what is in me. You watch me sit down at my […]
Overflow Leadership: Choked Channels
A while back I?drawn to read?S. D. Gordon?s Quiet Talks on Power (New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1903). The first chapter is titled ?Choked Channels.? At one point, Gordon is commenting on Jesus words in John 7:37-38, ?On the last and greatest day of the Festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud […]
God’s Gift of Good Work
We all have work to do: homework, housework, yard work, business work, ministry work, whatever. How do we know when we?re doing good work? How is good work measured? I found this from Eugene Peterson this morning in reviewing my journal: ?Real workers, skilled workers, practice negative capability?the suppression of self so that the work […]