Tomorrow?is the first Sunday of Advent,?the first day of the Christian calendar for many Christian churches. Advent simply?means ?coming.? Christ came to make Himself at home among us. He took on a human life like ours. We remember Christ?s coming as Immanuel, God with us. As a practical suggestion for living Advent in the next […]
Prayer: I Know You
Many years ago, I was having a conversation with a very dear friend. She was telling me some things about myself that I had not directly told her before. No one could have known, because I had not shared with anyone. She was quite observant, but I was still surprised when she shared with me […]
Growing Generosity
What might it look like to grow generosity in my life or to encourage that growth in those I influence or lead? It looks like a prayer Saint Ignatius of Loyola prayed: ?Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve You as You deserve, to give and not count the cost.? […]
Life-Giving Loneliness
One writer whose novels have often stirred?me is George MacDonald. Listen to this little dialogue between two people about holy loneliness or solitude: “What I want to ask you,” said Ian, “is, did you ever feel alone? Did loneliness ever press itself so upon you that you felt that if you called nobody would hear? […]
Hopes vs. Expectations
??we hope in Someone and not merely for something. We expect things to happen, but we hope in the one who makes them happen. Our expectations can get in the way of our hope: The more specific expectations I have on my checklist (I expect you to think of my needs?to take care of me?to […]
An Unhurried Life: TV Interview
Alan Fadling was recently interviewed by April Hernandez on the television program 100 Huntley Street. From their website: “In the modern society now, people are constantly on the go, rushing to go from place to place both physically and mentally. Yet, living an unhurried life is not a lazy life. It is actually the opposite. […]
Honesty: Put Off the False Self
One of my favorite things to do is to lead groups in times of solitude and silence. In The Journey we call this time “EPC” which stands for Extended Personal Communion with God. Once, while?introducing?a time of EPC, I shared this quote by Jacques-Benign Bossuet.?How does it strike you? ?When shall I begin to be […]