To put it simply, I don’t believe The Leadership Institute, now 32 years-old, would exist in its current form were in not for the faithful prayers of Marjory Martin. Please take a moment to read a short note from our Founder and President, Paul Jensen, regarding Marjory’s vocational calling to be a prayerful intercessor. And […]
Chained to the Weight of Sin
Author’s note: the following experience took place several years ago as I was going through The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. As I wrestled in the First Week with my theology around sin, God used a unique image to transform my thinking. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and […]
Treasures of Darkness
These are extraordinary times. You are probably reading this from the quarantine of your own home amidst the worldwide Covid 19 Pandemic. It’s possible you are worried, scared, bored, angry at authorities, or “Covidiots”, or frustrated with your spouse or kids. The opportunities for darkness to creep in around us are rampant. But let’s let […]
My husband broke his back in a bicycle accident…my teenage daughter was cutting…my utero baby wasn’t getting enough oxygen…my childhood friend committed suicide…and the list went on. I was in a place of darkness and disorientation. It wasn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last, but it certainly was one of the […]
Thoughts from Life in Uncertain Times
Editors note: I am publishing this blog post a second time since it appears to have gotten lost in the midst of several other posts last week. It is worth reading and reading again. Exactly a week ago today, I left town to be with my 89 year-old dad. He was having partial knee surgery. […]
Coronavirus & Control Issues
It goes without saying that these are unprecedented times we are living in. Like me, you may have seen the following… Cruise ships pictured floating offshore in quarantine Store shelves depleted and empty The photos from Italy of overwhelmed doctors due to the rapid spreading of the Coronavirus Rush hour is eerily sparse due to […]
The Power of Lament
How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long must I bear this pain in my soul, and live with sorrow all the day? How long will fear rule my life? Notice my heart and answer me, O my God; enlighten me, lest I […]