When I am overwhelmed, the path ahead seems long, unending. It presses in and I am alone. And yet I am not. Not really. Not ever. As I begin to form simple words, halting prayer words, I know?even if I don’t immediately feel?that God is with me. Over the last ten years or so I […]
Come and See. Come and Know.
Here is a remarkable quotation from Carlo Carretto (1910-1988). He went into the Sahara desert in 1954 to live among and serve the poor and so draw closer to Christ. He was a member of the ?Little Brothers of Jesus?, a group who sought to live out of the lifestyle of Charles de Foucault. Brennan […]
Knowing Jesus
One morning I spent some time meditating on the following words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount? ?On that day many will say to me, ?Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?? Then I will […]
Knowing God: The Ways of the Lord
Taken by Surprise Some time ago I read a newspaper article about a couple who had been married for over fifty years. The husband made a remark that has always stuck with me. He said that after so many years, he knew his wife extremely well, but that every once in a while she did […]
Costly Intimacy
Most of us desire intimacy in our relationships, whether relationships with spouses or friends or God. But when it gets right down to it, are we willing to pay the price for greater intimacy? Too often we want the rewards of intimacy without being willing to go through the often arduous process it takes to […]
Intimacy with God Spills to Others
Moses is one of my favorite characters in the Old Testament.? He steps into his leadership role at a rather advanced age and does so with great reluctance.? Yet, despite his reticence, he enters into his responsibilities to both Israel and the Lord with his whole heart. Along the way, his leadership is marked […]