Here is a remarkable quotation from Carlo Carretto (1910-1988). He went into the Sahara desert in 1954 to live among and serve the poor and so draw closer to Christ. He was a member of the ?Little Brothers of Jesus?, a group who sought to live out of the lifestyle of Charles de Foucault. Brennan […]
Confidence in the Presence
I love finding meaningful insights in little lines of scripture where you don?t expect it. For example, I recently read this line in my morning scripture reading: Colossians 4:17 NIV, ?Tell Archippus: ?See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord.?? It made me think that I could paraphrase it […]
Because He Cares for You
During my morning devotion, I reflected on something that George MacDonald said in Creation in Christ. ?But I do not know how to awake and arise!? I will tell you. ?Get up, and do something the Master tells you; so make yourself his disciple at once. ?Instead of asking yourself whether you believe or not, […]
The “Hallowed Be” of Life and Leadership
Hallowed be Thy name in Industry: God be in my hands and in my making. Holy, Holy, Holy; Lord God of Hosts; Heaven and earth are full of Thy Glory. The above is one from a set of prayer panels preserved from the 14th century cathedral ruins of St. Michael in Coventry, England. Each prayer […]
Being Present in Every Activity…Even Worship
Brother Lawrence (of the Resurrection) was a 17th?century Carmelite lay brother in Paris. He is best known for his ?practicing of God?s presence.? Below is one of his wise counsels: ?During our work and other activities, even during our reading and writing, no matter how spiritual?and, I emphasize, even during our religious exercises and vocal […]
Knowing God: The Ways of the Lord
Taken by Surprise Some time ago I read a newspaper article about a couple who had been married for over fifty years. The husband made a remark that has always stuck with me. He said that after so many years, he knew his wife extremely well, but that every once in a while she did […]
Practicing the Presence of God
Here is a wonderful quotation?from Frank Laubach, who was the last century?s Brother Lawrence in modeling a lifestyle of practicing the presence of God. ?Last year, as you know, I decided to try to keep God in mind all the time. That was rather easy for a lonesome man in a strange land. It has […]