Jesus said, ??my yoke is easy and my burden is light.? Do you ever wonder why the yoke of life or ministry feels so hard or the burden feels so heavy? Is Jesus promising an easy life here? Does He promise that our work will always be a breeze? Many years ago, I took some […]
Overflow Leadership, Part 3
In my last two blog posts, I talked about Vertical Leadership, the traditional model that creates leaders and followers, and Horizontal Leadership, a collaborative style of leadership that seeks to foster communication and collaboration. Now, let?s talk about Overflow Leadership and how we define it at the Leadership Institute. Our mission captures well the heartbeat […]
Overflow Leadership, Part 2
In my previous blog post, I discussed the most dominant organizational structure of our time: Vertical Leadership. This structure, I argued, has served its function well: It gets things done. But today, many in the business world are moving away from this model of leadership in favor of a new way of organizing: Horizontal Leadership. […]
Overflow Leadership, Part 1
I live in Omaha, NE where it seems we are always about a year behind any national trends. When some new wave hits us here in the Midwest, it?s old news to my friends in California. Sometimes, I feel like the church functions like us Midwesterners ? like trend-followers. More and more, it seems like […]
Are You an Influencer at Work?
In my last blog post, How to Beat Procrastiholism, I argued that, primarily, we should think of work as something we are instead of something we do. We sometimes try to derive meaning from our work instead of realizing that work has meaning because we have meaning. The worker gives work value, not the other […]
How Do You Balance Work & Rest?
A while back, a pastor wrote me and asked for a little help with finding rest and balance in his busy ministry life. I wrote him back a letter something like this. (I think this could help Christian leaders in other settings as well) ?Thank you for asking about cultivating healthier rhythms of rest and […]
?My whole life I have been complaining that my work was constantly interrupted,? Henri Nouwen said near the end of his life, ?until I discovered the interruptions were my work.?? (Buchanan, Mark. The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath. Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2006, p. 79.) Buchanan gets to the heart of […]